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Quantum computation with classic programming.

Updated: Aug 29

Cartoon shows how our reasearch allow us to transform from quantum into classic computation and likewise

While a direct translation from quantum to classical programming languages like C isn't feasible due to fundamental differences, we can bridge the gap through simulation and quantum-inspired algorithms.

By simulating quantum circuits in C, we can gain valuable insights into quantum mechanics and explore potential applications. However, this approach has limitations in terms of efficiency and accuracy, this allow us to perform quantum computation with classic programming.

Qubit structure:

Defines a qubit structure with two complex number members:amplitude0 and amplitude1. These represent the amplitudes of the qubit being in the states |0> and |1> respectively.

Hadamard gate function:

Implements the Hadamard gate operation on a qubit.

The Hadamard gate is a fundamental quantum gate that creates superposition.

The function takes a pointer to a qubit (qubit *q) as input.

It calculates the new amplitudes for the qubit based on the Hadamard gate matrix.

Main function:

Creates a qubit q initialized to the state |0>.

Applies the Hadamard gate to the qubit.

Calculates and prints the probabilities of measuring 0 and 1. Note that cabs is a function to calculate the absolute value of a complex number.

The future is so exciting, as we continue researching this field.

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